Selection PFF for Windows @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ Form1* CurrentFile File1 Drive1 ViewFile &View File FileEdit &Edit File LineNum Line &Numbers Picture1 """""""""""" " "" """ ""! """""! """""""""" """" PrintFile &Print File Label1 AmSoft Development AllDone E&xit Drive1_Change Drive1_DragDrop Source File1_Click Dir1_Change Command3_Click CurrentFile_Change Files_Click! Files_DblClick AllDone_Click3 CurrentDrive_Change FileEdit_Clicks CurrentFile FileEdit! Enabled^ FALSE Files CurrentDir_Change Dir10 PathQ Drive1 Drive File1M ListCount~ ListIndex< ThenFile1 Dir1_Click lastchange: DIRSBOXCLICK? FILEBOXCLICK Button_Click IndexF Button File1_DblClick PrintFile Main ViewFile FileName SetDraft_Click LineNum Value LINENUMBERS DRAFTPRINTu TRUEc SetPretty_Click PRETTYPRINTZ IntegerFile1 Form_Click Form_GotFocusz Sleep ViewFile_Clickm Viewer MyFile` MODAL$ Load_Form @ Form_Load@ Selection LoadDir LoadDrivew FormatFile FileToFormat1 Footer TotalLinesl Printer LPRINT LOCATEI EndOfFile SendFFl countG LineNum_Click Lines ctrlj OutLine Scrap PrintFile_Click Current FontName FontSize8 FontBold Display CurrentFile_KeyPress KeyAscii File1_GotFocus curretnfile% trarceon0 traceon tronQ Form_Unload Cancel Pointer MousePointer Form1 Result CloseComm GetError @ BorderBox Action BLeft' BWide Width BHigh Height Backcolor Picture1_Click Picture1 Form_Paint AllDone_Click FileEdit_Click No file specified. I Need a File" notepad.exe File1_Click Drive1_Change Dir1_Change File1.SetFocusF Dir1_Click *.TXT;*.ME;*.1ST;*.BAT SetDraft_Click Grey the line number choice SetPretty_Click ViewFile_Click No file specified. I Need a File" File1_DblClick ViewFile.SetFocusF LineNum_Click PrintFile_Click CurrentFile_KeyPress *.txt, *.bat, *.me Form_Load *.TXT;*.ME;*.1ST;*.BAT *.TXT;*.ME;*.1ST;*.BAT Form_Unload Form_Paint BorderBox This sub works well only with VGA displays. For EGA displays, you will want to modify the backcolor properties for the form and controls, and avoid this procedure. Get coordinates Action TRUE means draw, FALSE means erase Draw a recessed border around Source controlo Erase border around Source controlc